Published by Hodder & Stoughton
About the book:
A string of inmates have committed suicide, leaving no reasons why, and her predecessor has disappeared - along with his notes. The staff are hostile, the threat of violence is ever-present, and there are rumours of an eyeless woman stalking the corridors, punishing the inmates for their sins.
Janet is determined to find out what is really going on. But the longer she stays and the deeper she digs, the more uncertain she feels.
Halvergate is haunted by something. But it may be a terror worse than ghosts...
My thoughts:
I was really excited to start reading The Binding Song - I have always been fascinated by psychology, so the fact that the protagonist in the book is a Psychologist created a lot of intrigue for me. Elodie Harper paints a very eerie, vivid scene of what it is like in Norfolk and especially at the prison. It is as though you can feel the chills run over you every time Janet drives up to the prison.
I enjoyed Harper's style of writing, especially where the story switches the point of view between two characters. Although there is no clear definition when the story switches so sometimes you are reading from the other point of view for a little while before you realise.
Elodie Harper has created some strong characters, although there are some relationships, like Janet and her boyfriend's which I would have liked Harper to build on. I feel like it was very quickly brushed over within the story.
There are some points in the story where it builds a little slowly, but Harper definitely creates tension as the story unfolds. It was easy to see where the story was going, but I still found it really interesting to see how the different characters were being affected by the situation at the prison. The psychology behind the different way characters responded and the different beliefs they had was really intriguing and made you want to read more to see which path each character followed when trying to solve the mystery at the prison.
I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who likes an easy read thriller.
I give The Binding Song,
If you've read this intriguing debut from Elodie Harper I would love to hear your thoughts below.
The exciting news that we don't have too long to wait before Elodie Harper's next book, The Death Knock is out!
Make sure you keep your eyes out for when this next beauty is released! The cover certainly gives me the creeps! You can pre-order the hardcover on Amazon now - just click here!

Chat soon beautifuls,